Become a people-first marketer.

The future of marketing puts humans at the center of product, messaging, and outreach. Learn how at your own pace, on your own time.

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Hey, I’m Kara Redman.

I launched a people-first agency in 2014 trying to answer one core question: Could we be successful AND be good to people?

The answer was yes.

You’re probably here because you KNOW there’s a way to grow without being icky, yet all the sales and marketing advice out there is repeat playbooks that just don’t feel like you.

We’ve grown 25%+ year over year (even during COVID) by avoiding algorithms and smarmy tactics, instead keeping a laser focus on the humans who we are trying to reach. I’m sharing lessons & templates on how we did it so you can learn too.

What else you can do.

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A private community for like-minded marketers to connect, share, and inspire new ideas, backed by an award-winning creative agency.

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Self-Paced Courses

Learn how to build a powerful brand strategy framework using the people-first process that’s helped my clients grow, exit, acquire, build empires, and create powerful personal brands.

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Hire my agency, Backroom

Want hands on support and training for your brand’s marketing? Are you passionate about creating high value products and campaigns for your customers? We got you.

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